Things You'll Need:
- 2 sheets square paper or card stock
- Scissors
- Glue
Step 1
Fold a piece of paper from one corner to the opposite corner, creating a triangle shape. Repeat on the second piece of paper.
Step 2
Open the piece of paper up fully, and refold in the same way, using the opposite corners.
Step 3
Reopen the piece of paper. You should now see an "X" across the center of the page.
Step 4
Fold the corner of the paper to meet the center of the "X," creating a small triangle. Repeat with the remaining three corners. You will now have four small triangles, all pointing to the center of the paper.
Step 5
Fold one full edge of the square to meet the center line, and fold the opposite edge of the square to meet the center line. You will now have two rectangles meeting at the center of the paper.
Step 6
Open the paper up fully, and notice the crisscrossed pattern of folds
running throughout the paper. There should be four squares in the center of the page; these squares will be the top of the photo box. -
Step 7
Turn the page diagonally. Cut from the right side of the corner triangle until you reach the middle four boxes and stop. Do not cut into the four center boxes. Repeat with the left side of the corner triangle.
Step 8
Repeat on each corner, making two cuts down to the middle four boxes.
Step 9
Fold each flap up, and then fold down after the first square. Bring the top triangle down to the inside center, and glue in place. You are making the sides of the box.
Step 1
Fold one corner of the second piece of paper to almost meet the opposite corner. Leave roughly 1/2 inch of space.
Step 2
Trim the excess paper. You should now have a triangle that is slightly smaller than the first. You will need the bottom box to be slightly smaller so that the top will fit properly.
Step 3
Repeat Steps 2 through 9 to create the box bottom.
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